Peter Koncz
Current position
I'm currently working as a Senior Data Analyst at NESS Košice.
2010-2016 |
PhD studies in the field of business
information systems at KKUI FEI TUKE. The topic of my dissertation
thesis was Aspect-based sentiment
analysis. |
2008-2010 |
Master degree studies in field of artificial intelligence at KKUI FEI TUKE. I finished the studies
with honors. The topic of my
diploma thesis was Categorisation
system for support of collective annotation of internet resources. |
2004-2009 |
Master degree studies in field of psychology at The Faculty of Arts of Prešov University. I finished the studies with honors. The topic of my diploma
thesis was Approximation of missing
data in psychological questionnaires by artificial neural networks. |
2005-2008 |
Bachelor degree in field of cybernetics
at The Department of Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence at the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics, Technical University in
Kosice (KKUI FEI TUKE). The topic of my bachelor thesis was Semiautomatic creation of recherches from
internet resources. |
Work experience
2016 |
Senior data analyst at NESS Košice. |
2015-2016 |
System engineer at FPT. |
2012-2015 |
Scientific and research
employee at the Faculty of Economics of TUKE within
the Urban Sensing project. |
2010-2015 |
Internal PhD student in the field of business information systems at KKUI FEI TUKE. During
this period I had many contracts related to below mentioned projects. |
2009-2010 |
Research assistant within HBSC (Health Behaviour in School-aged Children) at Faculty
of Medicine, P. J. Šafárik University in Košice. |
As a student I worked as web
application developer. |
- Knowledge management - 4 years
- Knowledge discovery - 3 years
- Computers and Algorithms - 1 year
- Applications of Database systems - 1 year
- Applied programming - 1 year
- 11 diploma thesis
- 8 bachelor thesis
Within the frame of “mine::YourFuture” project I have developed a portal, which provides a knowledge base for the subject Knowledge discovery and within it I placed a set of short tutorials related to software RapidMiner.
Scientific Projects
2012-2015 |
Sensing. A European project,
which aims to develop a platform for analysis of user generated content (Twitter,
Instagram, Facebook etc.) related to cities. Within the project I am responsible for the analysis of text of
particular contributions by methods of natural language processing. I developed in JAVA. |
2014-2015 |
infometric methods for evaluation of scientific research (bilateral APVV project no. SK-CZ-2013-0062). |
2015 |
(Health Behaviour in School Aged Children). Within the project I created application for
processing of data from questionnaires and managed the process of creation of
the national database. Created application was written in PHP. |
2013-2015 |
IT tools and services for analysis of
different types of processes, Pilot project no. 4 within activity 3.1 "Pilot
projects in the field of information and communication technologies" of
the project of University scientific park Technicom. Within the project I worked
on development of a tool for topic identification and sentiment analysis. At the same time I developed a REST interface for mobile
platform. |
2012-2015 |
Methods of analysis of collaborative processes
realized through information systems (VEGA project no. 1/1147/12). |
2012 |
mine::YourFuture was a project founded by Nadácia Tatra banky within
its program Education Quality. Within the project we created a knowledge base
for the subject Knowledge discovery and a series of video tutorials. |
2011-2014 |
TRA-DICE (Cognitive travelling the word of web and
libraries with support of personalized services and social networks) - (APVV-0208-10). |
2011-2013 |
Virtual laboratory of business information
systems- project KEGA (065TUKE-4/2011) |
2010-2013 |
technologies for knowledge transfer (IT4KT) – project of European union structural founds, Operational
Programme Research and Development (ITMS 26220220123). |
2009-2010 |
(Health Behaviour in School Aged Children). Within the project I also created an application
for processing of data from questionnaires and managed the process of creation
of the national database. The created application was written in PHP. |
2010 |
Banking Reputation Manager. This
project was founded by Nadácia Tatra banky within its grant program E-talent
and it aims to process the evaluations of banks products by methods of
sentiment analysis. |
Besides mentioned projects I participated on the creation of several project proposals of potential European projects.
Programming skills
Advanced level. Currently the main programing language I'm using. |
Advanced level. I used it as a web applications developer for several years. |
C |
Intermediate level. I taught the subject Computers and algorithms in this
language. |
SQL and NoSQL |
Advanced level. I taught SQL and used it in the many of my projects. I
primarily used MySQL database, but I have also worked with Postgres or Oracle.
Besides the relational databases, I also used MongoDB, Elasticsearch and AWS DynamoDB as a NoSQL databases. |
JavaScript |
Basic level. I have been working with JavaScript for several years, but
mostly I only edited the existing code. |
Advanced level. |
Matlab |
Advanced level. I created several applications, some of them including GUI
and most of simulations in my diploma thesis from psychology were based on
Matlab. |
Lisp |
Basic level. I passed two subjects in Lisp, were also multiple
programming tasks were done. |
Prolog |
Basic level. I passed the subject Logical programming. |
Administrator skills and software
usage skills
Among others I have experience with the following applications:
- IntelliJ IDEA,
- Eclipse,
- RapidMiner,
- IBM SPSS Statistics,
- SAS Enterprise Miner,
- Adobe Photoshop,
- Standard program equipment such as Microsoft Office.
I administrate several real and virtual servers on Linux as well as Windows platform.
I administrate several web domains.
I have extensive experience with Amazon services, used in our projects.
Language skills
Understanding |
Speech |
Writing |
Listening |
Reading |
Spoken interaction |
Spoken verbal production |
English language |
B2 |
Independent user |
B2 |
Independent user |
B2 |
Independent user |
B2 |
Independent user |
B2 |
Independent user |
German language |
A2 |
Basic user |
A2 |
Basic user |
A2 |
Basic user |
A2 |
Basic user |
A2 |
Basic user |
My research topics are (confirmed on ResearchGate):
- Advanced machine learning
- Data mining and knowledge discovery
- Information extraction
- Semantic web
- Web mining
- Knowledge discovery
- Sentiment Analysis
- Text mining
I’m the author or co-author of the following
[1] P. Koncz and J. Paralič, “Active Learning
Enhanced Document Annotation for Sentiment Analysis,” in Availability,
Reliability, and Security in Information Systems and HCI, A. Cuzzocrea, C.
Kittl, D. E. Simos, E. Weippl, and L. Xu, Eds. Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
2013, pp. 345–353.
[2] M. Smatana and P. Koncz, “Active learning
enhanced semi-automatic annotation tool for aspect-based sentiment analysis,”
in SISY 2013: IEEE 11th International Symposium on Intelligent Systems and
Informatics, 2013, pp. 191–194.
[3] P. Koncz and J. Paralic, “An approach to
feature selection for sentiment analysis,” in Intelligent Engineering
Systems (INES), 2011 15th IEEE International Conference on, Poprad,
Slovakia, 2011, vol. 15, pp. 357–362.
[4] M. Smatana, P. Koncz, and J. Paralič,
“Anotačný nástroj pre podporu aspektovo-orientovanej analýzy sentimentu s
využitím aktívneho učenia,” in Datakon a Znalosti 2013, Ostrava, 2013,
pp. 113–116.
[5] K. Hilovská and P. Koncz, “Application of
Artificial Intelligence and Data Mining Techniques to Financial Markets,” ACTA
VŠFS, pp. 62–76, 2012.
[6] P. Koncz, “ Aproximácia chýbajúcich údajov v
psychologických dotazníkoch pomocou neurónových sietí,” Diplomová práca,
Prešovská univerzita v Prešove, Prešov, 2010.
[7] P. Koncz and J. Paralič, “Automated
creation of corpora for the needs of sentiment analysis,” in Proceedings of
the 3nd RapidMiner Community Meeting and Conference (RCOMM 2012), Budapest,
Hungary, 2012, pp. 107–113.
[8] P. Koncz and J. Paralič, “Automatická
analýza sentimentu textových zdrojov,” in Electrical Engineering and
Informatics 2 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Informatics of the Technical University of Košice., Košice, 2011, pp.
[9] P. Koncz and J. Paralič, “Automatická
tvorba korpusov pre potreby analýzy sentimentu,” in Electrical Engineering
and Informatics 3 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice, 2012, pp. 122–125.
[10] P. Koncz, A. Lukacova, and J. Paralic,
“Course web site as an integrated solution for e-learning, collaboration and
publicly available knowledge base,” in Emerging eLearning Technologies &
Applications (ICETA), 2012 IEEE 10th International Conference on, 2012, pp.
[11] P. Koncz and J. Paralic, “Effective
corpora creation for sentiment analysis,” in Cognitive Traveling in Digital
Space of the Web and Digital Libraries: Studies in Informatics and Information
Technologies, Bratislava: STU, 2013, pp. 92–94.
[12] P. Koncz, “Facilitation of corpora
creation for sentiment analysis,” in SCYR 2014 : 14th Scientific Conference
of Young Researchers, Herľany, Slovakia, pp. 180–182.
[13] M. Smatana, P. Smatana, J. Paralič, and P.
Koncz, “Hodnotenie vlastnosti produktov na základe recenzií používateľov,” in Proceedings
of the 7th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies,
Smolenice, 2012, pp. 181–184.
[14] P. Koncz and J. Paralic, “Identification
of School-Aged Children with High Probability of Risk Behavior on the Basis of
Easily Measurable Variables,” vol. 7058, A. Holzinger and K.-M. Simonic, Eds.
Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 625–634.
[15] P. Koncz and J. Paralic, “Identifikácia
osobnostných vlastností na základe údajov publikovaných v rámci sociálnych médií,”
in Znalosti 2014, Jasna pod Chopkom, 2014.
[16] P. Koncz and K. Furdík, “Kategorizačný
systém pre podporu kolektívnej anotácie internetových zdrojov,” in Electrical
Engineering and Informatics 1 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice, 2010,
pp. 630–634.
[17] P. Koncz, “Kategorizačný systém pre
podporu kolektívnej anotácie internetových zdrojov,” Diplomová práca, Technická
univerzita v Košiach, Košice, 2010.
[18] K. Machová and P. Koncz, “Metódy dolovania
v konverzačnom obsahu so zameraním na analýzu sentimentu,” in Datakon a
Znalosti 2013, Ostrava, 2013, pp. 2–14.
[19] M. Smatana, P. Koncz, J. Paralic, and P.
Bednár, “Modelovanie témy v prúde dát z mikroblogov,” in WIKT 2014 9 th
Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge Oriented Technologies, Smolenice,
Slovakia, 2014, pp. 35–38.
[20] P. Koncz and Čema, Vladimír,
“Multidimenzionálny referenčný model postojového systému,” in 3. Študentská
vedecká konferencia, Prešov, Slovak Republic, 2007, pp. 664–679.
[21] P. Koncz, “Podpora rozhodovania s využitím
aspektovo založenej analýzy sentimentu,” in 6th Workshop on Intelligent and
Knowledge oriented Technologies : Proceedings, 2011, pp. 123–127.
[22] P. Koncz, “Prístupy k vnímaniu emócií v
humanoidnej robotike,” in Electrical Engineering and Informatics 3 :
proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the
Technical University of Košice, 2012, pp. 129–134.
[23] P. Koncz and J. Paralič, “Rozpoznávanie
pomenovaných entít v úlohách automatickej geografickej anotácie textových
zdrojov,” in Proc. of 7th Workshop on Intelligent and Knowledge oriented
Technologies (WIKT 2012), 2012, pp. 153–156.
[24] M. Smatana and P. Koncz, “Semi-automatic
annotation tool for aspect-based sentiment analysis,” in 13th Scientific
Conference of Young Researchers of Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Informatics Technical University of Košice, Košice, 2013, pp. 196–198.
[25] P. Koncz, “Semiautomatická tvorba rešerší
zo zdrojov na internete,” Bakalárska práca, Technická univerzita v Košiciach,
Fakulta elektrotechniky a informatiky, Košice, 2008.
[26] A. Madarasová Gecková, P. Koncz, T. Baška,
M. Bašková, L. Bobák, D. Bobáková, J. Fedačko, M. Gibalová, V. Jakubková, Z.
Katreniaková, P. Kolarčik, J. Kollárová, L. Pitel, J. Rondošová, M. Sarková, Z.
Tomčíková, Z. Veselská, and I. Žežula, Sociálne determinanty zdravia
školákov: HBSC - Slovensko - 2009/2010. Košice: Equilibria, 2011.
[27] P. Rajzák, P. Koncz, M. Prídavok, R.
Blahovec, and M. Prídavok, “Systém pre hodnotenie online reputácie bánk,” in Electrical
Engineering and Informatics 1 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Košice, 2010,
pp. 652–657.
[28] P. Koncz and J. Paralič, “Využitie
zhlukovania na základe témy hodnotení v úlohách analýzy sentimentu,” in Znalosti
2012: Sborník příspěvků 11. ročníku konference, Mikulov, 2012, pp. 149–152.
[29] P. Koncz and J. Paralič, “Znalostný sklad
pre predmet objavovanie znalostí,” in Electrical Engineering and Informatics
3 : proceeding of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
of the Technical University of Košice, 2012, pp. 126–128.